Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
The Ministry Building was established in 1969.
The first Minister of Culture in the government of Slovak Socialistic Republic within Czechoslovakia Socialistic Republic became Miroslav Válek and continued in office up to year 1988.
His followers which govern department of culture in Slovakia in further years were:
- Pavel Koyš (1988-1989),
- Ladislav Chudík (1989-1990),
- Jozef Markuš (1990),
- Ladislav Snopko (1990-1992),
- Dušan Slobodník (1992-1994),
- Ľubo Roman (1994),
- Ivan Hudec (1994-1998),
- Milan Kňažko (1998-2002),
- Rudolf Chmel (2002-2005),
- František Tóth (2005-2006),
- Rudolf Chmel (2006),
- Marek Maďarič (2006-2010),
- Daniel Krajcer (2010-2012),
- Marek Maďarič (2012 – 2018),
- Ľubica Laššáková (2018 – 2020),
- Natália Milanová (2020 – 2023)
- Silvia Hroncová (2023)
- and since 25th October 2023 this function occupies Martina Šimkovičová.
The Role of the Ministry has formed from early beginning his existence, while his field of activity was characterized by extension service, art, national monuments, environment protection, publishing of non-daily newspaper, copyright, production and trade area. At present is Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic the central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for national language, preservation of monumental funds, national heritage and library science, art, copyright and copyright laws, extension service and folk artistic production, support of cultural innovation for ethnic minorities, presentation of the Slovak culture and arts abroad, relations with churches and religious societies, media and audiovisual.
Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic resides the building of erstwhile Tatrabanka since 1996, which was build between 1923-1925 according to the project of constructor and architect Milan Michal Harminec. Tatrabanka Palace was originally designated for multipurpose operation of the bank, stores and housing. However from mid-50’s it served for various purposes. Except of Czechoslovakian television was building also used by Representative of Culture and National Bank of Slovakia.
Vláda vyjadrila podporu poslaneckému návrhu zákona o poskytovaní dotácií zo štátneho rozpočtu na podporu kultúrnych aktivít
15. January 2025
Vláda Slovenskej republiky dnes vyjadrila podporu poslaneckému návrhu zákona z dielne poslancov Romana Michelka, Petra Kotlára a Milana Garaja, ktorý upravuje poskytovanie dotácií zo štátneho rozpočtu na podporu kultúrnych aktivít. Cieľom...